I've often wondered if, not only GB members but leaders of any exclusivistic religion, ever question if they're on the right track. If they really believe in Jehovah as the ancient Hebrew God who led the Israelites out of Egypt by miracles, how could they know they've been chosen by the same God to leadership roles in our day? What would happen if a group of reformers within the Church (and it is a church) decided to break away and start a new movement, teaching essentially the same doctrines, but reforming the mind control aspects, abandoning the policy of creating dates, reversing the blood doctrine, introducing love into the shunning policy, opening the bread and wine to all members and reforming the faithful and discreet servant doctrine, perhaps even changing it from a prophecy and changing it to parable or metaphor status?
Why would the reformed movement be any less legitimate than the one existing now? After all, when Charles T. Russell founded the sect, he was not operating under any heavenly directive, was he? Nor was Joseph Rutherford. If the core doctrines are the important thing, why would a reformed movement be any less legitimate? When Jesus inspected all the world's religions and the JWs say he chose theirs, how do we know? We're taking their word for it.
If such a thing happened, do you think it would negatively affect the present system?